We bring products that makes you happy

Discover the imported and locally sourced products based on market and customer requirements as well as expectations

We bring you local and international brands while preserving the quality and price balance.

Schogetten Chocolate

Schogetten chocolates, a brand of Ludwig Schokolade, which is a branch of Krüger Group, who owns the leading chocolate and candy brands in the world, is distributed in the Turkish market by Küresel. Founded in 1858, the oldest and market leader in many European countries, Ludwig Schokolade’s high quality Schogetten products come in varities and each 33 gm and 100 gm packages.



Made with 100 % arabica coffee beans, Cafe Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Cappuccino and Doubleshot are products of Küresel's sister company Anele who delivers them to the end consumer

Distributor is Anele from our group companies.

Alpia-Swiss Alps

The Baronie group, a manufacturer of Swiss chocolates branded Alpia and Swiss Alps, was founded near Rotterdam in the early 1920s. Today, Baronie, a Dutch firm, produces top-quality Belgian and Swiss chocolate at ten sites. It is among the largest chocolate producers in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Nissin Cup Noodles

In Japan, Nissin Foods creator, known as the father of instant noodles, who sought an alternative idea to the food shortage that arose after World War II. , Momofuku Ando created a global revolution by discovering instant noodle, which can be prepared and eaten in 3 minutes. Küresel Tedarik is the Turkey distributor of Nissin Foods that one of the largest Japanese companies in the world.

Product Categories


Dried Fruits and Bisquits

  • Dried Fruits and Bisquits
  • Chocolates, Bars, wafers
  • Toffees
  • Chewing Gums
  • Nuts
  • Diet and Natural Products


Water, Sparkling water, Energy drinks, Fizzy drinks

  • Water
  • Frizzy Drinks
  • Sparkling Water
  • Energy Drinks
  • Fruit Juices
  • Hot Drinks


Frozen vegetables , Chicken, Fish and Meat

  • Vegetables- Fruits
  • Processed Meat and Fish
  • Bakery Products
  • Instant Foods


Dairy products, Olives, Jam

  • Dairy Products
  • Olives
  • Eggs
  • Jam, sesame butter- molasses
  • Bread and Bakery Products


Legumes, Oils, Canned foods, Gravy

  • Lagumes-pasta-rices
  • Oils
  • Gravy- mixed powders- soups
  • Sugar- Salt
  • Ketchup- Mayonnaise- Sauces
  • Canned foods- pickles


Health, Automotive, Tecnology and Personal care

    Personal Care Products

  • Cosmetics
  • Health Products
  • Sunblock products
  • Hair care products
  • Bath products
  • Perfume end deodorants
  • Shaving products
  • Paper products
  • Cleaning Products

    Car and Travel Products

    Telephone accessories


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